Monday, August 19, 2013

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

The Cleveland Metroparks Zoo is definitely on my list for favorite places in Cleveland. I remember going there when I was young as we had membership - one of the best investments for families.

Took the camera there this past weekend. I enjoyed the visit along with the Rainforest. My parents complained that they walked too much, in my opinion it was not bad at all compared to walking in Washington DC, London, Chicago, or Paris. Plus I walk all the time in area. Anyway back to the zoo... I love elephants, ok maybe not the smell, but I think they are fascinating and beautiful creatures. Did I mention big too? Definitely want to see them in natural habitats someday.

Below - this is one giant snake!!! Its even looking at me too.

 The zoo is divided into sections and one is called the Australian Adventure. Australia is on my list of places to visit. I really liked the Koala bears.

The grizzly bears got so big. I remember them when they were very little.


I have not been to the Rainforest in so long!

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