Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Joy of Packing

THE LIST (for flying)

1. Passport (international) - the most important item. Do not loose it. It is advisable to make copies and leave them with a trusted relative.

2. Airline documents/hotel documents.

3. Camera - with all the accessories - memory card, batteries, secure case.

4. Undergarments.

5. Socks.

6. Shoes - Maximum 2 PAIRS OF COMFORTABLE WALKING SHOES.  Depending on the season hiking boots will work fine. They don't have to be tennis shoes or anything fancy but if you want to enjoy your trip TAKE COMFORTABLE SHOES.

Why only two? They take up room, especially if only taking one bag. (One pair you will wear for the flight and walking around airports) If you have to bring a nice pair of clothes for evening wear at restaurants or to a concert then stick with black flats (ladies). You will be frustrated if you take more pairs of shoes. I know girls love their shoes but taking a pair that goes with everything that you travel with will save you a lot of hassle.

7. Medications - fill prescription medications before you leave. I would also take Ibuprofen (or Tylenol or Advil) in case of headache or any other pains. Stomach relievers are a good idea too.

8. Wrist watch- very handy if you are taking organized tours.

9. Alarm clock - Most hotels in Europe, don't provide alarm clocks. If you have an iPOD touch or something similar then use the alarm on that. If not stores such as Target will sell them. I would also check

10. Cell phones - Check with your provider if your phone will work where you are headed. If not you can rent or phone or get a pay as you go phone. I will write a post to how this works later.

11. Seasonal Accessories - gloves, hats, scarves, sunglasses, sunscreen, rain gear, etc. Check the weather online before leaving. The weather can change unexpectedly but at least you have an idea.

12. Map and Guide book - you really need only one. Many of the tourist sights, transportation stations, and tour companies give you free maps.

13. Materials for plane ride - (iPod, ipad, mp3 player, a few paperbacks, etc.) Try not to take too much.

14. Travel Adapter - must if you have electronics to charge.

15. Sweaters - seasonal but good for layering and can be worn a few times.

16. Jackets - seasonal, a water resistant one would be beneficial.

17. Trousers - note the word "pants" means underwear in some countries. If you are gone six days I would take at least three.

Tip - This tip applies to ladies mostly. I would not take any expensive jewelry or any jewelry for that matter when traveling. That way you won't loose it or misplace it or have any chance of getting it stolen. Some cities or destinations it's strongly recommended that you don't wear jewelry as it attracts unwanted attention (pick pockets).

Tip - Europeans tend where dark, neutral color clothing. Some people like to blend into the crowd. Its fine to look like a tourist in London (there are plenty of them). But some cities it might not work to your advantage because thieves know that tourists have a lot of goodies.

Tip - The following you can buy cheaply abroad (at least in London)

  • Shampoo, hairspray, etc.
  • Washcloth
  • Lotions
  • Cosmetics 
  • Umbrella
  • Razors
  • Pharmacy items
  • Over the counter medicine

In London you will find stores such as Boots, equivalent of CVS or Walgreens. They call drugstores or pharmacies "Chemists" over there. In the big cities they tend to be smaller. There is a big one on Oxford Street. Marks and Spencers has good prices if you absolutely need extra clothes or undergarments.

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