Thursday, June 28, 2012

London 2012 Day 1 and 2.

I took off from Cleveland on Saturday the 12th of May and went through Toronto for our overnight flight to London. My mom and aunt were on this trip too. I was on my own for a good portion of the time though.

We landed Sunday morning. Luckily I slept better this time than I did my previous trip. ( I will write about that on another post.)

By the time we got off the plane, went through Border Patrol and then through our tour got on the Hotel by Bus shuttle to central London. I wasn't really impressed with it to be perfectly honest. I was not the one who made the reservations for that. I would have taken Heathrow Connect or Heathrow Express to Paddington then a taxi to the hotel. It would have been a little (not much less) money, and you don't have to wait for others. We had to wait to drop others off at their hotels. Of course at this time we were tired and cranky. We did take the same one from our hotel back to Heathrow the following Saturday and that wasn't so bad because we just had to pick up one other person and our driver was extremely nice.

 We arrived at our hotel around noon. Our room was not ready yet so we went to Selfridges, a huge department store, for lunch. At the cafe there was salted beef. I didn't try that. I opted for the salad. Its sad that the United States does not have department stores like these anymore. All the Macy's and Dillards are basically the same. Not very unique at all. Cleveland got rid of theirs but now a casino is in the original spot. Selfridges is a little less expensive than Harrods but Marks &Spencers are the best.

I got my European phone and by that time our room was ready. Mom and I walked to a church not far from the hotel. Surprisingly there are plenty of Catholic Churches in London but not as many as Anglican. St. James was right in the center of Marylebone and mass went by quick. We stopped at a Tesco and got their yummy sandwiches. Many of the grocery stores have prepared foods which is nice. We then walked around Oxford Street and Hyde Park the rest of the evening.

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